Selling Your Home – Info for Home Sellers
Are you planning to sell your home in the near future? Do you live in Markham, Unionville, Stouffville or surrounding areas? If so, you would be well advised to learn as much as you can about your local real estate market as well as the process involved in getting your home sold. Having some knowledge in these areas will help you make a more educated decision when it come to choosing your real estate agent.
As a local professional Realtor, Martin MacFarlane recommends choosing an agent that will market and promote your home to its fullest potential. That means showing off your home in its best possible light to as many potential buyers as possible. It may sound old and repetitive but more exposure means more buyers which translates to more competition and more money in your pocket. It may sound like a simple concept, but finding a full-time full-service real estate agent that will take advantage of all of today’s advanced marketing techniques is hard to find.
Martin would like you to take a look at his marketing plan for your home so you can understand what it takes to get your home sold quickly and for top dollar in today’s marketplace. Of course, no amount of marketing will sell your home if it is overpriced. Properly pricing your home is the first and most important step in getting your home sold. Thanks to the internet, today’s buyers are very well educated when it comes to purchasing property. If your home is overpriced, buyers and Realtors will know, and your home will sit unsold and become stale. When choosing a listing price for your home, you need to be realistic about what buyers are actually willing to pay for homes like yours. Pricing your home based on your emotion or what you want or need to get out of the sale has no bearing on market value.
The following links will provide you with much more in-depth information on selling your home in Markham, Unionville, Stouffville or surrounding areas. Please feel free to contact Martin MacFarlane with any questions or comments relating to getting your home sold fast and for top dollar!